The following are a few projects that I have worked on in my free time. They are in no particular order.

Pasar Kita App

Description: The project is a capstone project held by Bangkit Academy 2023, this application was founded to help solve the problem of traditional markets that still use traditional concepts. Our solution is digitalizing the market towards modern

Stacks: Kotlin, Tensorflow,and Github Actions

Skills: Kotlin, Recommender System, and Mobile Apps

github repository pasarkita_app miniature from the user Capstone-PS441

O-Care App

Description: TThe project is an international artificial intelligence competition project held by Compfest, University of Indonesia. This application was created to help solve oral health problems using AI technology for classifying disease images.

Stacks: Python (pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, numpy, sklearn, and pickle) Kotlin, and Tensorflow

Skils: Machine Learning, Image Classification, and Mobile App

github repository O-Care_mobile_apps miniature from the user The-Lab-Rats

Personal blog

Description: A blog (where you are right now!) in that I write about what I’m learning, basically a portfolio.

Stacks: Hugo, Papermod theme, and Github Actions

github repository personal-website miniature from the user agusfahmi

Search Document for Putusan Mahkamah Agung

Description: This project marked my team’s participation in the Collage Task.

Stacks: Numpy, SVM, and Machine Learning

Skills: Document Search Engine, Data Visualization, and NLP

github repository Document-Search-Engine miniature from the user agusfahmi

Doctor Assistant with LLM

Description: This project presents my take on the LLM

Stacks: Python, LLM, and Streamlit

Skils: LLM, Streamlit, and Chatbot

github repository Zen-Health-Using-LLM-Google-Palm miniature from the user agusfahmi

Image Classification Deploy with Flask

Description: This project presents college task.

Stacks: Power BI

Skils: Data Visualization

github repository Image-Classification-Deploy miniature from the user agusfahmi